The eco-village foundations and values
Le Champ du Présent incorporates its ethical foundations into its Founding Vision: a living and hosting place where each being finds material and spiritual support, enabling each one to flourish within a collective, so that a united and deeply human society may blossom.
Le Champ du Présent is a living place for several households wanting to develop sincere and authentic ties, intrinsically trusting everyone's ability to contribute.
The group’s harmony is established through the balance between the respect of each individual's core essence, the needs related to the running of the collective, as well as the environment and the community they become part of.
The choice of being an eco-villager involves:
Adopting, respecting and participating in the Founding Vision through its activities and life habits.
Committing to a way of life founded on caring relationships and mutual support, building together solid ties based on trust.
Owning one's own transformation: by learning to apply and experience together ways of interacting, assuming responsibilities, ways of governing as well as sharing rich experiences; all whilst accepting to be guided along the way.
Contributing to the development and the daily life of the eco-village with honesty and sustainable dedication through its activities, whilst harmoniously fulfilling one's own and the community’s needs.
Contributing to the sustenance of the eco-village by progressing towards food autonomy, employing methods respectful of nature and the living.
Adopting a reasonable, balanced and conscious consumption in all areas: energy, food, clothing...
Co-creating and nourishing ties to participate in the life of the community where the eco-village exists
Openness: to acknowledge and value the cultural, living, thinking and behavioural differences.
Joy/celebration of the living: to fully celebrate life, and the events enabling the growth of each being and the development of the area.
Trust: to nurture sincere relationships by being, behaving and communicating authentically.
Cooperation/co-creation: to support one another's contributing aspirations, and to personally engage towards the accomplishment of the vision and projects.
Balance: to practice reasoned consumption, being aware and valuing the abundance surrounding us.
Kindness-authenticity: to be and express oneself sincerely, with integrity, in alignment with our values of kindness and generosity.