Birth of a founding group
During the first presentation of the project Le Champ du Présent (LCDP), on 28th January 2021, we gave a "broad" view of the project, revealing the humanist sensibility that animates us, and the ethical foundations that carry us. This moment marked the launch of the project, which had been in the works for a year (and more for some of the source people).
Three presentations followed one another from January to March, bringing together about fifty people. From there, we formed a group of 5 founders, and the adventure intensified!
Shared governance
Several projects were carried out using shared governance tools (based on the practice of Holacracy), allowing the group to acquire efficient and rewarding work processes for everyone. These processes have also enabled us to get to know each other better, to test each other, to work in pairs or in trios on the projects undertaken (see the projects below)
A larger group
A dozen or so people, interested in and sensitive to the project, joined the founding group to build a space for collaboration, co-creation and mutual support: these are our co-creators. They support the project by their regular presence at the meetings, offer their talents, their feedback... They are involved in the implementation and evolution of the project, and some of them are considering joining the founders in the living space, developing their activity or continuing to offer their skills; the LCDP also supports them in their personal or professional evolution.
Concrete achievements
The spring saw the creation of the website dedicated to Le Champ du Présent and the summer saw the launch of a crowdfunding, where many co-creators committed themselves to contribute. This crowdfunding aimed to:
- Get to know each other better and strengthen our ties
- Get to know each other's talents and areas of expertise better
- Learn to give and receive
- Present LCDP to the outside world
- Collect initial funding to implement the project
- Collaborate in a concrete project for the LCDP
An evening of evaluation and celebration of this collective action is planned for the end of February 2022 with the co-creators and contributors-donors.
Some figures:
Amount raised: 6,252 Euros
Number of packages sold: 180
The search for a place
The search for a place to set up Le Champ du Présent has not yet been completed, but visits to 5 estates have enabled us to refine our criteria.
Nurturing connections

We had about thirty weekly meetings to share and introduce each other, to strengthen and deepen our relationships. These moments have allowed us to highlight each of the people involved (whatever their degree of involvement) in LCDP.
A sponsorship space is set up between the co-founders to accompany each other in a greater and greater involvement towards the LCDP and towards oneself. This approach, which aims to clearly identify the commitment of each person, is at the heart of the founding vision of Le Champ du Présent. In this way, we strengthen our heart-to-heart connections and the deep know
Sharing in daily life
Monthly meetings take place, where we share times of daily life and centering through meditation. With breath practices (Sarbacana-didgeridoo), LCDP becomes a collective united in the same breath.
Germinating this winter
The winter is now favourable to continue the elaboration of the founding texts and the modalities of integration. We have clearly identified the DNA of the project, the "we are what we do and we do what we are". The connection between our personal ‘raison d'être’ and that of Le Champ du Présent brings us the stable foundations necessary for the material achievements which are being prepared.